Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why Organic? you ask...

The Benefits of Organic Coffees & Teas

For the farmer Organic farming makes the land healthier and the soil
more fertile, which increases both quality and quantity over the years.
It also decreases farmers exposure to toxic chemicals.

For the farming community Organic farming decreases the amount of
chemicals released into the atmosphere and drinking water supply, which
in turn decreases health and environmental risks.

For the health conscious consumer Chemical free products are healthier
for the human body and contain all natural products. Interestingly, organic
issues related to the consumption of coffee are a bit different than with
most other foods or beverages. Why? Most experts agree that the
chemicals found on raw coffee are burned off during the roasting process,
so choosing organic coffee over conventional coffee is really a vote for the
farmer's health and the health of the environment in developing countries.

For the environmentalist Organic products keep dangerous chemicals out
of the environment and maintain the natural balance of local ecosystems.
In addition, organic farming employs many positive environmental
practices such as recycling, composting and maintaining soil health
through natural methods.

For the social justice advocate Organic coffee sells at a higher premium,
adding to the farmer's income and standard of living. Organic farming also
protects the farmer and his community from unnecessary exposure to

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