Monday, November 21, 2011

Great Gift ideas from MLC

Please consider shopping with MLC for your 
Holiday/Personal Gifts
Call (843) 473-8129 for more info... 

 Coffee & a Cup
 ART 4 a Cause: Jazzmine by Hank D. Herring

 Maude by Diane Britton-Dunham

What people are sayin about MLC

MLC Will Be Closed

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tara T Greene Book Signing @ MLC

Please join us on December 17, 2011 from 1 to 4pm for the Tara T Greene Book Signing of The Upside Down of Things... Visit her website @
for more info please call (843)473-8129

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Visit MLC & get a Bird's I View of Dorothy Montgomery's Story Quilts

The quilts are undoubtedly exquisite as the stories come to life right before your eyes. Come to MLC & get your private showing as ARTworks debuts this collection the months of November & December. Click on the Pics to Visit our FaceBook Page and see more:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why we only serve OrGano Gold

Our Coffee and Tea

We at The Melodic Latte Cafe, are doing our part by being
environmentally conscience and offering our customers only the best. Our coffees and teas are supplied by OrGano Gold.

The OrGano Gold Opportunity Coffee is the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water.  It's the second most traded commodity after oil.  People drink coffee all day, everyday in almost every country around the world.
But here's the really powerful question:  When was the last time you were paid every-time someone enjoyed a cup of coffee?  Welcome to OrGano Gold!  We are creating a ground breaking movement that starts with OrGano Gold coffee.  From the ground to the cup we're a company that is working to improve people's health, wealth and bring more balance into their lives thanks to the overwhelming power of Ganoderma - an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for over 4000 years to enhance wellness.
By infusing gourmet coffee and an ever expanding product line with the power of Ganoderma Lucidum herb, OrGano Gold has scientifically developed a healthier alternative to regular coffee that not only tastes great, but makes people feel great, and that's where YOU fit in.
Launched in September 2008, OrGano Gold has grown to become one of the most admired companies in the Direct Sales industry creating the financial and time freedom for many of our Distributors world wide.  Here at OrGano Gold University you'll find all the training and support resources necessary to launch, expand & maintain a successful OrGano Gold business.  Bottom line is we're a family, a family that cares about YOU!

Why Organic? you ask...

The Benefits of Organic Coffees & Teas

For the farmer Organic farming makes the land healthier and the soil
more fertile, which increases both quality and quantity over the years.
It also decreases farmers exposure to toxic chemicals.

For the farming community Organic farming decreases the amount of
chemicals released into the atmosphere and drinking water supply, which
in turn decreases health and environmental risks.

For the health conscious consumer Chemical free products are healthier
for the human body and contain all natural products. Interestingly, organic
issues related to the consumption of coffee are a bit different than with
most other foods or beverages. Why? Most experts agree that the
chemicals found on raw coffee are burned off during the roasting process,
so choosing organic coffee over conventional coffee is really a vote for the
farmer's health and the health of the environment in developing countries.

For the environmentalist Organic products keep dangerous chemicals out
of the environment and maintain the natural balance of local ecosystems.
In addition, organic farming employs many positive environmental
practices such as recycling, composting and maintaining soil health
through natural methods.

For the social justice advocate Organic coffee sells at a higher premium,
adding to the farmer's income and standard of living. Organic farming also
protects the farmer and his community from unnecessary exposure to

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Original ARTworks by Internationally known local ARTists

We now have Original ARTwork in MLC by the World Renowned ARTist Diane Britton Dunham and Hank D. Herring and local ARTist Abraham Brown....

 Diane Britton Dunham
 Hank D. Herring
 Abraham Brown
 Abraham Brown
 Abraham Brown
 Abraham Brown
 Abraham Brown

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MLC Press Release

Official Press Release

Melodic Latte Cafe
2127 Boundary St, Suite 18A
Beaufort, SC 29902
Inside ARTworks
Office: 843.473.8129
Contact: Mahoganee
Melodic Latte Cafe Announces Official Grand Opening Aug 3, 2011 11am - 6pm | Launch Party 6-8pm

    Free Samples of Coffee and CupCakes

Melodic Latte Cafe is the perfect place to have an artistic seat and be creative. As its name suggests, it's rhythmically located inside ARTworks, The Arts Council of Beaufort County. The menu offers gourmet organic coffee with no shortage on great taste, cold coffee at its best, as well as hot chocolate (also served cold) and green tea along with the world’s best coffee “Jamaica Blue Mountain”. The wall of musical history travels from B.B. King, Dizzie Gillespie to Aretha Franklin and L.L. Cool J.

Two pleasures we’ll always enjoy- sipping a great fresh cup of coffee, and remembrances of music, past and present. Let’s celebrate the best by giving in to life’s grand passion: Coffee drinking. Please stop by and visit for a while. Our hours are Tues-Fri 11 to 6pm and Sat 12 to 4. Closed on Sunday and Mondays.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's healthy for you and your Kids

It's a good feeling to know that your product is changing lives in a great way.
Our gourmet organic coffee is healthy for you and your children.
Try it and you just might love it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This new Cafe Mocha is DEE-licious... I was super surprised when it came. OG has done it again.... I'm in LOVE...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Next Step:

Becoming an Internet Cafe is right over the horizon... I can see, taste, touch and smell it already...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Soft Opening for the Cafe

Last night was a blast. Selling coffee was coffeelicious. What a blessing it is to be on our way to Financial Freedom. Check out some of the pics on our FaceBook page...

2127 Boundary St Suite 18A
Beaufort, SC 
(843) 473-8129

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our first show will be at 
"The Gallery"
Purchase tickets @

WHAT: A Monthly Affair: 
Where Music, Art, Dance, Poetry & Coffee Caress the soul
WHERE: The Gallery 802 Bay St, Beaufort SC
WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2011
TIME: 7:00 PM
PRICE: $5 Admission
Coffee, Tea, Lite Desserts will be available
Feature vocalist is Mahoganee
Feature Visual Artist is DeAnna Bowdish
Feature Dancer(s) will be Mufuka Works (
Featured Poet(s) will be students from L.O.U.D.
Music by DJ Cheefah Dray of Beat Huztlerz Production (

Special Guest Appearance by D. Ciano

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Gallery Presents: The Melodic Latte Cafe

Check back regularly for Updates...
 WHAT: A monthly affair: Where Music, Art, Dance, Poetry & Coffee Caress the soul
WHERE: The Gallery 802 Bay St, Beaufort SC
WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2011
TIME: 7:00 PM
PRICE: $5 Admission
Coffee, Tea, Lite Desserts will be served
Feature vocalist is Mahoganee
 Feature Visual Artist is DeAnna Bowdish
Feature Dancer(s) will be Mufuka Works
Featured Poet(s) will be students from L.O.U.D.
Music by DJ Cheefah of Beat Huztlerz Productionz 

OG Convention 2011

Surround yourself with Greatness

l to r (My Sister Cynthia (Diamond) Stewart, Holton Buggs, Debra Martin

Cynthia Stewart & Dr. J. B. Hill (Grandson of Author Napoleon Hill "Think & Grow Rich"

More Pics can be found on our 
FaceBook Page @